
Heard What Our Customer Say

Calvin Skin (Klang HQ)


Based on 155 Reviews

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2 years ago

Highly recommended for those who having skin sensitive issue. First time having skin sensitive issue for over 1 month, I'm totally clueless. Went for clinic and pharmacies to seek for advice but doesn't help much. Eventually found Calvin Skin Specialist from Google and it was just nearby Bukit Tinggi. Went through their website & understand that their products have no steroids, or control medication, I decided to give it a try. I've been using their products for 1 month now, so far the result is quite visible & will definitely continue using it. Calvin Skin Consultant Team is very professional, gave recommendations to solve my skin issues and helped me to understand more about my current skin condition. I'm so far having good experience with them, will definitely recommend Calvin Skin Specialist to those having skin sensitive issues!

Hew Yee

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) 3 years ago, my eyebrows turned red and needed laser treatment, so I met Calvin Skin through a friend. What I didn't expect is that there is no recovery period for the effects of laser surgery.
Now that I have spots on my face, I have found Calvin Skin again. It did not disappoint me just like it did 3 years ago. He provides professional advice and service without always selling products.

3年前由于我之前秀的眉转红色了需要laser和从做所以我通过朋友让我遇到了Calvin skin。让我意想不到的是做laser的效果是没有修复期的。
如今我脸上长斑了我再次找回calvin skin,他和3年前一样没让我失望。他提供专业的意见和服务不会一直推销产品。

Ong Frennie

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2 years ago

I will recommend Calvin Skin to people due to their service is good. I was having issue of there's spots and moles on my face. Through my friend's recommendation, I head to Calvin Skin to seek for consultation. So far I been to other beauty clinics seek for consultation only, yet to get any services. After get consultation from Dr. Calvin, decided to give a try on moles removal here. Before that, Dr & his assistant gave a lot of professional opinion and comfort me which I was afraid of pain and result after that not satisfying myself. During the removal process, I was worry and afraid all the time, but Dr, he was soft enough to reduce my fearful. After the removal process, Dr will give advise on how to take care on it and I was satisfied with the results. The reasons I like Calvin Skin are the person is caring and professional, also they will not use hard sale strategy on you guys, any decision is all up to yourself. 👍

Min SJ

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) The dark spots on my face have been bothering me for more than ten years. It has become more and more serious recently. After that, I went to several companies to learn about it. Finally, I was moved by Calvin's sincere service. The most important thing is that it can meet my financial ability. Now I want to Thank you very much. After just a few pico laser treatments, my spots have improved a lot. And they will not promote other things. I will continue, after all, my problem does not happen overnight.

我的脸上黑斑已經困扰十几年了.最近越来越严重,之后有去几间公司了解,最后被calvin的真誠服務感動了.最重要的可以配合我的經济能力范围.现在我想在此感恩謝謝,才几次pico laser我的斑已改善很多.而且他们也不会推銷其他东西..我会继续,畢竟我的问题不是一朝一日..

chua melissa

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3 years ago

I been having a nightmare of my dry crack skin, specially on my foot and hand.
My skin is too dry and it's stressing me out.I been tried many products and taking many medicine and injection but then all that was an temporary relief only😌.
But now am very thankful that am manage to found Calvin skin past 6 months ago.
The products really very helpful to retain my dry crack skin specially.

mayu steeram

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3 years ago

I've been facing serious acne problems for a few years, I have no idea what's the cause. Plus I have a very sensitive skin. I have tried a lot of products recommended by friends, colleagues, and famous bloggers. Even products that contain no alcohol or are suitable for sensitive skin , couldn't help me. I would always read what's online and try to cure it on my own, testing out different skincare products have cause my skin barrier to damage. Half of my salary would be spent on buying these skincare products. Not until I came to know about Calvin Skincare.
They have customised a set of treatment and products according to my needs and my budget, it's reliable and worth of money. Surprisingly, I have no sensitive reaction or redness after using their products.
They would not hard sell products that I don't need. No steroid or control medications is given to me. I have only begin my treatment for a months and half, I experience less breakout and redness now. I see an obvious improvement on my skin.
I would sincerely recommend Calvin skincare to those who are facing skin related problems because they treat every customers truthfully and would not give empty promises. They often give useful advice would explain the clearly the usage of each product.

Riley Tan Ju May

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3 years ago

have warts problem on both my hands. Have been applying medicine but it still spreads more and more. Get to know that Calvin Skin can solve warts problem, I went for the treatment. Feeling good as the service is good, no hard sale. Thanks Calvin Skin for solving my skin problem.

Tan Ridian

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3 years ago

(Translated by Google) I used to have peeling skin on my hands due to working in the F&B industry, and it continued like this for a few months. The skin peeling on my hands got worse and worse. After that, I bought one or two medicines at the pharmacy, but after using it for a while, the symptoms came back. I looked up Calvin skin online and they said it was helpful. I wanted to give it a try. They told me how to solve the problem and taught me how to do it. Then I followed it and my hands got better after a month. Then I asked If they have cheaper products to recommend, they will also recommend them to me. I like their service because they don't always introduce only expensive products, and they also ask me how to do it and how to deal with it.

我之前因為在F&B行業工作導致我的手脫皮 然後一直這樣子持續幾個月 手上的皮越脫越夠力 過後有在pharmacy買了一兩種藥可是用了一陣子那個症狀又回來了 過後我在網上查詢到Calvin skin然後他們說有幫助 我就想要試試看 他們過後告訴我要怎麼解決然後教我怎麼做 然後我就跟著去做 過了一個月 我的手有好轉了 然後我會問他們有沒有更便宜的產品推薦 他們也會推薦給我 我喜歡他們的服務因為他們不會一直介紹只有貴的產品 再加上又有叫我怎麼去做怎麼去處理才是恰當的

Sim Zhee Yong

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5 months ago

Hi Victoria here ,before I came to Calvin Skin i was faced very terrible Sensitive to acne Breakout , and Sensitive until Pigmentation skin after trying treatment , products from other clinics and salons outside . They cant even solved My skin problem , My concerns but Then it Became more worse made Me so up set and worried 🥲. Spent so much Time and money . They cant even fullfilled what they were promised and somemore so hard selling . After that when i was passed by Klang i saw Calvin Skin Brand with their signboard mentioned no steroid , no control medications and no injections just very natural ingredients and more to Healthy skin so just went in to Make a consultation . Calvin Himself helped Me checked and told Me what exactly happened with My skin i just realised My skin became very thin and Sensitive , Dry after laser Machine Treatment hard selling by other places before . My skin took almost a year PLUS to stable from Calvin .Happy with Calvin Skin after 1 year PLUS My Sensitive now even no Come Back and no more Hot sensation , feel tight and Peel off , acne Breakout Like before . Then only Calvin Skin helped Me managed My Pigmentation problem with so careful without Harming My skin anymore . Cause from Calvin explanation PIGMENT and Uneven skin Tone cannot Do immedite and rush togther with Sensitive and acne Breakout to prevent skin become more Hot and Burn , PIGMENT turn Black . After almost 6months My PIGMENT getting lighten but Dont have Any uncomfortable feeling and tight , Red which im so Happy with their Treatment plan . After care also Calvin Skin will perscribed a correct skin care plan to hit their 3R Natural Concept Refine , Recover, Reborn .If you having problematic skin Calvin Skin will help you managed your skin condition with so carefully and good listener Always standby to help If u serious to solve your skin problem without Any hard selling these Why i Like Calvin Skin Service . They also Always fullfilled what they were promised . Calvin skin really helped to solve My skin probelm made Me gain Back confident and more Healthy skin than before . If someone facing very terrible skin problem but you still struggle ling , i will recommend you to Come Calvin Skin . My mom and My Eyebrow Embroidery also did from Calvin Skin .

Victoria Beh

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5 months ago

Calvin Skin has helped my daughter with her encezema for the past 6 months. Used the products, and within a span of 2 weeks, there were changes seen, and my daughter dryness was reduced so much, including the itchiness that she had along. This is a streiod free product and its safe to use.

Anna Armilla

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8 months ago

Acne. Yes, no really satisfied, saw in FB ad, Yes, is very safe and solve the acne problem, the consultant and beautician very kind and helpful.

Tan Ee

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1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I have been troubled by acne for a few years, and then I tried a lot of skin care products that I could buy on Watsons, but they had no effect. Then I saw an advertisement for Calvin Skin on the roadside, so I decided to give it a try. Here they will treat my skin condition without any hardsale or any drugs or steroids. I have been treated with calvin skin for half a year now, and I have indeed seen an improvement in my skin condition. I really recommend that people with skin conditions give it a try.

之前被痘痘困扰了有几年,然后去试了很多watsons上可以买到的护肤品都没有什么效果,后来在路边看到了calvin skin的广告,所以就打算来试试看。在这里他们会通过我的肌肤状况来进行治疗,并没有进行什么hardsale,也没有使用任何药物或类固醇之类的。到现在已经在calvin skin治疗了半年,的确看到我的皮肤状况有所好转,真的很推荐有肌肤状况的人可以来试一试

Mow Tian Xin

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1 year ago

Almost 2 months already I use Calvin Skin product due my hand Eczema.
As the result my hand recover now, since I when many clinic but can't see the difference.
I consider lucky due to my luck I get to saw a banner at Bukit Tinggi.😍

Julie Afrancis

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1 year ago

Since from MCO which is needed to wear face for whole day, my face had suffer from redness, itchy and sensitive almost two year. I has tried different skincare on the market but still on and on. Luckily I had found out the Calvin Skin through road banner. During the consultation, they had provided one to one consultation and suggest the suitable treatment for solving my skin problem. With the first treatment, I can feel my face had reduce redness & itchy and whole treatment is without injection. Now almost one months treatment, I feel my skin is better day by day. Super recommended Calvin Skin as skin specialist 👍🏻

YaneSzei Tsai

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1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I started using Calvin Skin products two months ago! Black scars caused by acne during school days have been bothering me for 4-5 years. My facial skin is now no longer oily and the pimples are drying on their own!but the overall skin doesn't feel too dry, which makes me feel very satisfied.

now I really hope to solve the black scar problem that is still there. I know it's a slow process, but I'm full of confidence in Calvin Skin because I've seen early results. I will continue to use this product and skin care with more moisturizers and avoid uv rays, I believe this will help fade the scars.

For years, dark scars have made me lack self-confidence, but now I see hope in getting my skin back. I really hope calvin skin can completely solve my skin problems!

Saya mula menggunakan produk Calvin Skin dua bulan yang lalu! Parut hitam yang diakibatkan oleh jerawat semasa zaman persekolahan telah menyusahkan saya selama 4-5 tahun. Kulit muka sekarang saya tidak lagi berminyak dan jerawat jadi kering sendiri!tapi kulit overall tidak berasa terlalu kering, yang membuat saya berasa sangat puas.

sekarang saya sangat berharap untuk menyelesaikan masalah parut hitam yang masih ada. Saya tahu ini adalah proses yang agak perlahan, tetapi saya penuh keyakinan terhadap Calvin Skin kerana saya telah melihat hasil awal. Saya akan terus menggunakan produk ini dan penjagaan kulit dengan lebih banyak pelembap dan elakkan uv ray, saya percaya ini akan membantu memudarkan parut.

Selama bertahun-tahun, parut hitam telah menjadikan saya kurang keyakinan diri, tetapi sekarang saya melihat harapan untuk memulihkan kembali kulit saya. Saya sangat mengharapkan calvin skin dapat menyelesaikan sepenuhnya masalah kulit saya!

syaqira Haniesha

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1 year ago

(Translated by Google) My friend has sensitive skin and her whole face is very red. I have been looking for treatments that can effectively improve sensitive skin. I Googled and found a treatment center that specializes in treating sensitive skin. I read its reviews and found it to be reliable. After learning about it from Calvin, I recommended my friend to try it. I went to this treatment center with my friend to consult about her skin condition. It felt like a very gentle treatment, leaving my friend feeling soothed and moisturized. What surprised me the most was how quickly it worked! After each treatment, I can clearly see that the redness of her skin has improved a lot. Blemishes are gradually reduced, redness and swelling are significantly reduced, skin tone becomes more even, and pores are much more detailed. The simple steps make it easy for her to complete the care, saving a lot of time. The Sensitive Skin Rapid Action Treatment is a great product. Whether you have sensitive skin or are looking for quick results, I highly recommend trying this treatment!


faal ting chai

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1 year ago

Good 👍

Ying Xin

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1 year ago

I had my fungus skin allergy since many years back. Been seek many skin specialist and Chinese traditional treatment but still not recovering. Been suffer when night time sleep, travelling long distance just to seek skin specialist, spent so much money, etc. Even gonna give up and just let it be & take antihistamine everyday!

Until 2 months ago when I found Calvin Skin Specialist advertisement at roadside & made a try. I have to say WOW and NO REGRET after trying. Their profession & best selling point - No medicines & No steroid was amazing! Can’t believe that my skin allergy symptoms is recovering without medicines!

With their professional advice, I confident that my allergy will be recovering soon! Their products have no steroid and safe to use!

Ryan Ho

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1 year ago

Trusted skin care specialist with great service, products

teh wea wea

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1 year ago

I am having a facial hair problem. I Choose Calvin Skin because the feedbacks and review was good . Calvin Skin help me to remove my facial hair.Once I went to calvin skin and it give me a good feeling because of the environment was good.They way they treat the customers also make me feel comfortable, after the removal treatment Calvin Skin give me a confident to talk or get along with anyone without any awkward feelings.

xishx. _x

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1 year ago

I have sensitive skin and breakout since 2020 due to wearing face mask everyday during work. I have tried laser treatments before this but still on off. I almost gave up but lucky me got supportive husband and he suggest me to try Calvin Skin because he search on google that Calvin Skin got best review and 5 stars. During consultation no push or hard sells from them. Ms Jenny very friendly and I enjoy during process. First tried their products already see the results even on first day using it. First time ever no pain at all during treatments using laser machine. I love Ms Liz pamper my skin politely and feel so much comfortable. All staff from Calvin Skin very friendly and polite. Now almost 2 months doing treatments with Calvin Skin and only use Calvin Skin skincare amazingly no new acne appear and under scar treatment. Super recommended Calvin Skin 🫰🏻

Nurnajwa Fatini Muhammad Nasrul

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1 year ago

Since MCO, wearing masks during customer interactions has worsened my skin with small pimples and cystic acne. Antibiotics and various skincare products have only provided temporary relief. Calvin Skin became my last option due to the cost. Following their advice, changes in lifestyle and using their products have brought positive results. Calvin Skin's team offers a relaxing experience.

Tan JR

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) The service here is good, the doctors will explain carefully and are very friendly 😆 Especially during the high process, the doctors will be very attentive👍🏻

这里的service 不错 ,医生都会很细心解释 都很friendly 😆 尤其做着high过程 医生都会特别细心👍🏻

Oneit Miko

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2 years ago

Highly recommended Calvin Skin. I willing to travel far from Batu caves as their services so friendly.
Not only the price is reasonable most important is their service were professional with significant results.I’m so satisfied overall.


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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) I really like this product recommended by calvin skin as it has clearly helped improve my skin condition. I have always struggled with my breakouts and dullness, but after using this product, I noticed that my skin became smoother, brighter, and my breakouts were reduced a lot.
I also love the experience of using this product. It applies easily and absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy or sticky feeling on the skin. I also love the smell of this product, it's fresh and natural and doesn't make me feel sick.
Best of all, this product actually delivers on the improvements it promises. I have used many similar products before, but none of them gave me such a noticeable improvement as this one. Therefore, I highly recommend this product to anyone who needs to improve their skin condition.

我非常喜欢calvin skin推荐的这款产品,因为它明显地帮助改善了我的皮肤状况。我一直为自己的痘痘和暗沉而烦恼,但使用这款产品后,我注意到我的皮肤变得更加光滑、明亮,痘痘也减少了很多。


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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) I have skin problems like acne and acne scars for almost 1 year. I tried going to the spa but it didn't work. Then I decided to search for a skin clinic near me and I found Calvin Skin. I read reviews on google and yes there are many positive and interesting reviews. So I decided to try and make an appointment with them. The staff is very friendly and very good at serving me. I went for consultation and treatment. It hasn't been a month since I used the Calvin Skin product and I have already seen a change in my skin😍. My skin has less acne and less scars. I really recommend Calvin Skin to all out there who have skin problems like me. And you will not force us and will follow our budget.

I ada problem skin like berjerawat dan parut jerawat.l almost 1 years. I penah try ke spa but takda kesan. Then I decided utk search klinik kulit berdekatan dgn i and i jumpa Calvin Skin. I baca review di google and yeay banyak reviews positive and menarik. So I decided utk try and i make an appointment with them. Staff sangat friendly and baikk sgtt layan i. I pegii utk consult and treatment. Belum sebulan i guna product Calvin Skin i dah nampak perubahan skin i😍. Skin i dah kurang berjerawat dan parut dah kurangg. I really recommend Calvin Skin to all out there yg ada skin problem mcm i. And dorang takkan paksa kita and akan ikut bajet kita.

nur aina syafiqah

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) I am Welly from Batu caves, before I came to Calvin Skin Academy to take eyebrow and eyeliner tattoo classes. I looked for many similar academies and surveyed many, because I finally chose Calvin Skin. The main reason is because of their many educational videos and students’ comments. Good reviews. Very attentive and professional. Process When I inquire, it is true that only Calvin Skin Academy will contact me personally and sincerely understand my inner needs and wants. This detail has deeply touched me, and I feel very sincere and professional in wanting to help me. Compared to other colleges, they just kept What App and quoted me and wanted to sign my order without understanding my needs. I feel like I’m being sold hard. On the contrary, I don’t have this feeling at Calvin Skin. I really feel that Calvin Skin Academy is very sincere! Calvin Skin Academy instructors are also very approachable and influential! So I finally chose Calvin Skin! During the learning process, Calvin Skin Academy was very patient and attentive, and the instructors often talked to me about what I wanted, and went into my heart to solve my problems and learning obstacles. When I was an Admin without any experience in beauty, I finally managed to do a model's eyebrows. Under the careful guidance of the teacher, I felt very accomplished because even though I was a novice, I could also do a pair of natural eyebrows. Eyebrow! Calvin Skin Academy also really provides permanent resumption of classes, allowing me to come back and review whenever I have any questions or areas that I haven’t mastered yet. It makes me feel that I have a backer, which is very reliable and trustworthy! The main reason why I like Calvin Skin Academy is that I highly recommend them. Their sincere teachings and attentiveness are something I have never experienced in previous academies I consulted! If you ask me here what I would like to share with you if you want to learn eyebrow and eye tattoo courses, I just want to say that if you choose Calvin Skin Academy, you will definitely learn it, because the instructors are really humble and professional, which makes me feel gentle and sincere in their contribution to them. Great value for me, great college!

我是 Welly from Batu caves , before 我来到 Calvin Skin Academy 上课 眉 和 眼线 纹绣、 我找过很多和 survey 很多类似 的学院 、因为 最终选择 Calvin Skin 主要原因 是因为 他们很多 教育性 的 影片 和 学生的好评 ,很细心、是我要的专业 。 过程 当我询问 时候 也的确只有 Calvin Skin Academy 会亲自 联系我 真诚点亮 了解 我内心的 需要和需求。这个细节 已经 深深打动了 我 、也非常感到真心 和 专业 想要帮助我 。比起其他学院只是不断的 what app 我 和 报价 和 在没有了解我需求下 一直想要 签我单。感觉被hard Sales . 反而 这个感觉 在Calvin skin 就没有 、返回真心觉得Calvin Skin Academy 很有诚意 ! Calvin Skin Academy 导师也很有亲和力 和 影响力 ! 所以最终选择 Calvin Skin ! 在学习的过程中 Calvin Skin Academy 非常耐心 、细心、导师也时常聊我 想要什么 、去走入我内心 解决我问题 和 学习上的障碍 。在原本是Admin 的我没有任何 的美容经验 到最后 成功的 做到一位model 的眉毛 ,老师在旁边 细心指导下 、我感觉很有成就感 、因为从小白的我 也 可以做到一对自然的眉毛! Calvin Skin Academy 也真的 提供 永久 复课 让我 只要有任何疑问 或 还没上手的地方 、我都可以到回来 复习 、令我感到有靠山 的感觉,非常可靠和值得信赖 !我 喜欢 Calvin Skin Academy 的主要原因是很推荐 他们的真心教导 还有细心这个是我在以往咨询的学院是体验不到的!如果在这你问我 想要 学 眉眼 纹绣课程 有什么要分享给你 、我只想说 如果你选择 Calvin Skin Academy , 你一定 学会、因为导师真的 很谦卑专业 令我感到 温软 真诚贡献他们的价值给我 、很棒的学院!

Teh Wei Li

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) My old eyebrows have turned red and I can’t even wash them away even if I go to other places to remove the redness. After spending a year comparing and surveying many eyebrow tattooing places, I decided to choose Calvin Skin. Calvin was very patient in consulting my situation, using natural repair methods to solve my problems, and redesigning the eyebrow shape to suit me. During the eyebrow tattoo repair period, the skin will not shed one piece at a time. I am very satisfied with the effect. Jenny is very professional. My attentive friends saw it and said it was very suitable! I will recommend it to my friends because I am a good sample myself!

我的旧眉毛变红 去过别间去红都洗不干净。用了一年时间去Compare 和survey 许多间纹眉的地方 还是决定选择Calvin Skin. Calvin 非常有耐心 consult 我的情况,使用天然修复的方式解决我的问题 同时重新设计适合我的眉型。纹眉修复的时期内 也不会蜕皮 一块一块 非常满意效果。 Jenny 非常专业 细心朋友看了 都说很适合!会推荐朋友 因为我自己就是很好的sample!


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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) I have been suffering from saggy skin on my face for many years. As I age, the sagging of my eyelids becomes more serious, making me look haggard and aged. I have been using products before, but I feel that relying on products is more effective. None of the results worked. I got to know Calvin Skin through a friend’s introduction. I have seen Calvin Skin on the Internet and through friends’ recommendations. I strongly believe that Calvin can really help me. They were very patient and helpful when consulting me about my skin problems. They are professional and have always been sincere in helping me solve my problems. They also focus on natural repair without using any drugs or injections, so I really like and agree with their concept of natural repair. There is no problem at all during the hifu lift treatment. I felt uncomfortable, but they were very professional and attentive throughout the whole process. After the treatment, I immediately saw that my face was firm, and the bags under my eyes and the lines under my eyes were lifted, so I also felt confident because of Calvin Skin. Thank you Calvin & Jenny. Finally, I chose Calvin Skin for eyebrow tattooing and lip tattooing. I really was not disappointed. Then I would also like to share it here with friends who have any skin problems. Only by being patient, willing to pay and cooperate, and not being too anxious can we achieve good and safe results. After all, there is no safe and fast way and following the trend will lead to no results in the end. Because Calvin and Jenny were very patient in explaining to me throughout the entire treatment process and patiently answering my questions whenever I asked them. They currently have 3 branches. I heard that they are also planning to open one. Awesome, come on young man!

我是原本有脸部下垂的皮肤困扰已经很多年了,随着年龄的增加眼尾下垂更加严重,看起来很憔悴和老化,之前我一直以来都有用产品的,但是我觉得靠产品真的一点效果都没有,我是透过朋友介绍认识Calvin Skin的,因为在网络上和朋友介绍都有看过Calvin Skin,我非常相信Calvin可以真正帮到我,他们在咨询我皮肤问题的时候非常耐心和专业,也一直很真诚帮我解决我的问题,他们也是主打天然修复没有用任何药物和打针的,所以我非常喜欢也认同他们天然修复的概念,在操作hifu拉提治疗的过程中也完全没有不舒服的感觉,全程他们都很专业和用心,做完治疗后马上看到我的脸firm了,眼袋和眼尾纹也拉提上来了,所以我也感到信心 了因为 Calvin Skin , 感恩 Calvin & Jenny . 最后 眉毛 纹绣 +纹绣 唇 也选择了 Calvin Skin . 真的没有让我失望到 。 然后 在这也分享给要做任何皮肤问题的朋友 要耐心、愿意 付出 和配合 、不能过于着急 才能够达到 好又安全的效果 。毕竟没有 又安全又快的方式 和跟风 导致 最后没有任何结果 。因为 Calvin & Jenny 不管在整个治疗 的 过程 都非常耐心和我讲解 和 耐心回答我 只要我有疑问问到他们 。他们 也目前🈶️3⃣️间分行哦 霹雳听说他们也在筹备着了 。 超棒的、加油年轻人!

Fanny Ong

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2 years ago

(Translated by Google) I am from Ipoh and am a student of Calvin Skin Academy. I have learned eyebrow/eyeliner tattooing, marketing information and brand positioning courses for three days here. I met you on Facebook.
I have attended two similar colleges before, and in the end I still feel that Calvin Skin is more professional and has instructors who have a strong affinity for students and have positive thinking. Much better than the two cold and sales-only ones I asked about before. I chose Calvin Skin because I believe they can help me pursue better development in my career. Calvin Skin used their selfless and professional attitude to help me complete this very beneficial course. If there are friends who want to learn this course, I will not hesitate to introduce Calvin Skin to them so that everyone can achieve the results they want. Calvin Skin is definitely a very professional and completely selfless institute, super awesome👍🏻

我是来自怡保,是Calvin Skin academy学员,在这里学了三天的眉毛➕眼线纹绣,营销资讯和品牌定位课程,我是在面子书上认识您们的。
我之前过两间类似学院,最后还是觉得Calvin Skin比较专业和拥有对学员有很强的亲和力及正能量思维的导师。比起之前我询问过那两间冷淡及专要销量而已的好很多。我选择Calvin Skin是因为相信他们可以在我的事业上帮到我追求更好的发展。Calvin Skin以他们无私及专业的心态来帮助我完成此获益良多的课程。如果有朋友有心想学这课程,我会毫不犹豫将Calvin Skin介绍给他们让大家都得到想要的成就。Calvin Skin绝对是很专业和完全无私奉献的学院,超级棒👍🏻